Wednesday, June 10, 2015


Rapten. 33
When travelers see a Rapten
on the day they leave home
it is said to bring them good luck.


Wispada. 32
Wispada are are so light that with one
wing flap they can float for hours.
Their tails help them float while they catch the
wind with their wings.


Auracnus. 31
Auracnus are valued as jewelry
because of their gold color and the jewels
on their backs.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Other Blogs

sorry for no new posts, I have been busy with other art that is not Anumon related,
please follow me and reblog me on my tumblr Here and watch me and favorite my stuff on deviant art Here
Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013


Bagereed. 30
After Plager evolves he goes through a
change from land dweller to water dweller.
With the Dodorin nest no longer on
its back it can leave the land with no difficulty.


Plager. 29
Plager keep Dodorin nests on their
backs and when the baby Dodorin leave the nest
it is time for plager to evolve

Monday, June 17, 2013


Lobtar. 28
Lobtar use their long claws to reach down into
crevassses and get food.

Thursday, June 13, 2013


Tadricse. 27
Tadricse are immune to frostbite.
It is actually possible to get frostbite from holding

Wednesday, June 12, 2013


Sandrav. 26
Sandrav live in the desert
their fins act as cooling vents.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Dan Dillion

Dan Dillion. 25
The shaggy mane of Dan Dillion can
expand and create a menacing form
that can scare most Anumon. 

Sunday, June 9, 2013


Irnstron. 24
The magnetic pull of Irnstron's body
keeps its limbs in an orbital pattern.

Saturday, June 8, 2013


Paralakeet. 23
Paralakeet are very rare.
they live on thunder island.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013


Flangolin. 22
Flangolin have armor that protects 
them from most attacks.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Friday, May 31, 2013


Chirpit. 20
Chirpit keeps a large amount of 
kinetic energy stored in its legs.
At any time it can
jump up to 100 feet.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Wednesday, May 29, 2013


Sharg. 18
Sharg are mostly friendly creatures
unless they are attacked, then they will eat the attacker
in a manor of seconds

Monday, May 27, 2013


Ferrapad. 17
Ferrapad's skin has glands that ooz a sticky goo.
The goo creates a camoflauge by sticking rocks and sand.

Thursday, May 23, 2013


 Ferrapole. 16
Ferrapoles are born without legs.
They grow them when they are about to evolve. 

Wednesday, May 22, 2013


Anglen. 15
anglen use their lures to, well.... lure small 
Anumon for food. 

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Sorry for no new posts, there will not be many for a while because I am writing a book!!!!

Friday, May 10, 2013


Mozamander. 14
Mozamanders use their ears
to locate underground Magmoles, their 
foremost food source.  

Thursday, May 9, 2013


Feiramondre. 13
Feiramondre live in caves along the
 western shore of the great ocean.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


Schim. 12
The pre evolution of Schimedrel, Schim's live
in hollow trees, they eat leaves and small bugs.

Monday, May 6, 2013


Solagator. 11
Solagators have not changed for millions of years.

Sunday, May 5, 2013


Soladon. 10
The pigment in soladon's skin
gets more spred out when it evolves.

Saturday, May 4, 2013


Gearafly. 9
Gearaflys need large wings to propel 
their metal armor

Friday, May 3, 2013


Coonata. 8
Coonata is the evolution of skrenata.
Coonata hunt in small packs and are a very social anumon.

Thursday, May 2, 2013


Molcano. 7
Molcano is the evolved form of Magmole.
at the end of its life Molcano dives into
an active volcano and travels back to the center of
the earth where they spawn and then die. 


Magmole. 6
Magmole is born at the center of the earth and
they long to be on the surface.
At a young age they start tunneling upwards
and when they finally reach the surface they evolve
into Molcano.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013


Skrenata. 5
Skrenati use their short arms to cling on to trees
and then eat the bark

Monday, April 29, 2013


Posciran. 4
Poscrians live in deep underground caves.
Miners often use them to find diamonds which are
their main food source.

Happy Anuversary!!!!

Hello Anumon fans!! this month, one year ago the first Anumon were posted.
In four days Anumon had 72 page views, the page views per month kept getting higher until the peak of Anumon, July 2012, in that month Anumon had four hundred and one page views.
Then it started to decline, but that isn't important.
Now...... here are the first three of generation 2. Happy anuversary everyone!!!!

Schimedrel. 1
Schimedrels are large insect-combat type Anumon that dwell in forest biomes. 
They feed mostley on Shacatata and if they can find any they will eat 
beached oceshark. 

plenamimis. 2
Wild Plenamimises are only found off the coast of the fog islands.
Not much is known about these Anumoi, but legends say that they created the islands.    

Tribatris. 3
there is only one Tribatris in existence at one time.
when a Tribatris nears the end of its life it will lay an egg that
will become the next Tribatris.

More soon

Sunday, April 21, 2013

hello anumon followers. sorry i haven't yet posted anything yet this year. For a while i thought I had lost all interest in art, but after taking an art class from renound artist Ray Troll and meeting the director of the smithsonian institution museum of natural history I have desided to start posting more on anumon. more soon.
Inky :)

Thursday, December 20, 2012

sorry but there will be no more posts for a while because i am not feeling well.
 see you next year

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Sunday, December 16, 2012

zetery and maspruseala

Zetery  live in forests and have the ability to camouflage 

Maspruseala can live up to 
one hundred years. 

Friday, December 14, 2012

Thursday, December 13, 2012


Today is twelve days until Christmas and to celebrate this holiday i am making twelve Christmas based anumon starting with this one.

this illusive anumon spreads happiness and joy wherever
it goes and brings gifts to the needy.
The patterns on their backs differ between others of there kind    
the males usually have spots and the females stripes.


Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Gearsbane. 98
The time out of mind anumon.
Gearsbane always has an eye on the time.

don't be crabby

Roockrab. 95
The tiny crab anumon.
rockrab washes up on the shores
of the north ocean and proceed to make
their way all around the island to grow into Rolicrab.

Rolicrab. 96
The spherical anumon.
Rolicrab rolls around searching for a large
slab of  wood after it finds the wood  
it Burroughs into it and evolves into Gigakrab.
Gigakrab. 97
The big crab anumon.
Gigakrab is so large that it often unwittingly
causes earthquakes that measure four on the Richter scale.    


Saturday, September 1, 2012

Thursday, August 30, 2012


Kooroemow. 91
The cuddle fish anumon.
Kooroemow grabs 
prey with its tentacles. 
Mellaroemo. 92
The squid anumon.
Mellaroemo walks on the bottem
of the ocean with primitive legs.

seals and sea shells

Limpup. 88
The little seal anumon.
The shell on limpups back
will eventually grow over its entire body. 
Sealshell. 89
The seal anumon.
Seal shell can explosively 
shed its shell to create a sharp projectile.
Shellrus. 90
The sea shell anumon.
Shellrus is almost completely coverd in shell.
When the shell grows over all of shellruses 
the sections break away and become limpup eggs.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Sharkrel. 87 
The big fish little fish anumon.
At any time sharkrel can break up 
into many little fish and then reform into one big fish.

living fossil

Pleiocanth. 86
The fossil anumon.
Pleiocanth can swim through time and space.